Server Unleashed Gets Upgraded with Hyper-V

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I’ve been so busy lately trying to get the SQL Server Energy site out in about 15 languages that I forgot to post that last night I updated the Server Unleashed site with the new Hyper-V goodies. Of course it doesn’t talk about my favorite new product, Windows Hyper-V Server , but it’s a pretty good site, and one that has withstood the test of time so far.

The code base I thought is pretty over-engineered. I keep meaning to write a post on my experience using the MVP pattern in Silverlight but you know how blogging priority goes down when you are busy. Adding in the code for Hyper-V was fairly straight forward. The most difficult part is that the four main pillars used to be on the main navigation screen, now they are hidden behind “Innovations” button hover state.

I’d like to thank Ben “Virtual PC Guy” for blogging about it as that reminded me to post something here about the update.


This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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